
HackerRank Question: Write a Function

 HackerRank Question: Write a Function An extra day is added to the calendar almost every four years as February 29, and the day is called a leap day . It corrects the calendar for the fact that our planet takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the sun. A leap year contains a leap day. In the Gregorian calendar, three conditions are used to identify leap years: The year can be evenly divided by 4, is a leap year, unless: The year can be evenly divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless: The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year. This means that in the Gregorian calendar, the years 2000 and 2400 are leap years, while 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years. Source Task Given a year, determine whether it is a leap year. If it is a leap year, return the Boolean True , otherwise return False . Note that the code stub provided reads from STDIN and passes arguments to the is_leap function. It is only necessary to com...

HackerRank Question: Loops

 HackerRank Question: Loops Task The provided code stub reads and integer, , from STDIN. For all non-negative integers , print . Example The list of non-negative integers that are less than is . Print the square of each number on a separate line. 0 1 4 Input Format The first and only line contains the integer, . Constraints Output Format Print lines, one corresponding to each . Sample Input 0 5 Sample Output 0 0 1 4 9 16 Solution:- if __name__ == '__main__': n = int(raw_input()) for a in range(0,n): print(a*a)

Y is vowel or not

  Y  is considered to be a vowel if… The word has no other vowel:  gym ,  my . The letter is at the end of a word or  syllable :  candy ,  deny ,  bicycle ,  acrylic . The letter is in the middle of a syllable:  system ,  borborygmus .  In such cases, the letter y is articulated as either the long vowel e or short or long I (as a rule as a long I when finishing a word)— and, in every practical sense, it is a vowel. At the point when y shapes a diphthong—two vowel sounds participated in one syllable to frame one discourse sound, for example, the "oy" in toy, "ay" in day, and "ey" in monkey—it is likewise viewed as a vowel.  Commonly, y speaks to a consonant when it gets going a word or syllable, as in yard, legal counselor, or past. In fact, this sound of \y\ is viewed as a semivowel or float, which is a less unmistakable vowel discourse sound that happens in the enunciation of two sequential vowel sounds inconsistent in no...

Programmingshark index 9

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convert a string into lowercase in Python

 Question:- How would you convert a string into lowercase? convert a string into lowercase in Python:- there is a function named as lower() in Python with the help of this function we can convert atrings into lowercase and there is another function with which we can convert strings into uppercase named as upper() so let’s see an example of it. Example:- x="heLLo woRld"   print(x.lower())   print(x.upper())   Please  Visit  my blog for more  basic Questions  and Solutions.

sum of two digits in a number in Python

 Question:- What is the sum of tenth and unit digits in Python? sum of two digits in a number in Python:- it can be done in many ways but here i’m going to tell you a very easy steps in which code will be very optimized and cleared to you. Let’s see it’s example- x="12345678912345"   print(int(x[0])+int(x[9]))   Please  visit  my  blog  for more python basic Questions and Solutions.